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Kinky Boots Exclusive Interview



May 6, 2019 | Larisa Amaya-Baron

BroadwayのTony賞を受賞したミュージカル「Kinky Boots」は、2016年に日本で初めて公演されました。主役のチャーリーとローラには日本で最も影響力のある役者たちの中からキャスティングが行われました。今年の夏、小池徹平氏と三浦春馬氏は監督、ジェリーミッチェル氏と再演を果たしました。ジェリーミッチェル監督は日本のキャストを訪問し、日本人監督の岸谷五郎氏とコラボレーションしてショーを微調整し、日本語を話す聴衆にとってもショーを意味のあるものにしました。 Broadway's Tony Award-winning musical, Kinky Boots, first made its way to Japan in 2016, casting some of the country's top celebrities to fill the lead roles of Charlie and Lola. This summer, Koikei Teppei and Haruma Miura are reprising their roles in a short revival with American director, Jerry Mitchell, who visited the cast in Japan to collaborate with the Japanese director, Kishitani Goro, on tweaking the show so it would make sense to a Japanese-speaking audience.

日本での公演のためにオリジナルのものから変更したものはありますか。​ How has your character and the show changed to adapt to a Japanese audience?


ちょっとした笑いの部分だったりだとかジョークの部分が日本とアメリカで違う部分があるので、その辺はジェリーミッチェルさんの間に日本の演出家で岸谷五朗さんという方に入っていただいて日本人によりわかりやすい笑いを求める稽古をしました。 [KOIKE/CHARLIE] Some small jokes were changed here and there for Japanese audience to understand. American director Jerry Mitchell collaborated with Japanese director Kishitani Goro to make sure the Japanese audience would enjoy the show in a way that makes sense to them.



Were there parts of the show that you didn't understand culturally, and how did you research about the culture in order to portray a British person?






We definitely watched the movie version, and D.B. Bonds taught us about England’s culture.


When we were preparing for the premiere 3 years ago, we [the Japanese cast] watched a video of the real shoe factory. So we could really get a sense of the reality of that world


Of course translating lyrics and scripts from English to Japanese will always be a challenging feat, but it doesn't take away from the main story, which follows Charlie trying to keep his late father's shoe company afloat. When he meets Lola, a man who performs every night in women's shoes, Charlie finds his confidence as a business owner, boss, friend, and all around good person as he asks his team to develop stiletto-type heels strong enough to support a man's body. Half of the cast is comprised of beautifully lean-cut men who backup dance for Lola during her several, big show-stopping numbers, which the Japanese audience surprisingly adores. The LGBT+ community in Japan is still under-represented, as well as quietly misunderstood; same-sex marriage has not been made legal anywhere in the country. However, special recognition ceremonies can be arranged at places like Tokyo Disney Land, which is also another step in the supportive direction. So when a show of this nature is presented publicly on a Broadway-sized scale in Japan, it's inspiring to see it positively reach audiences of all generations. Haruma Miura (Lola) has been quite involved in the past with the American productions of Kinky Boots, performing in Los Angeles and getting inspiration from the English-speaking casts. As he enters on stage this time, it's clear by the full embodiment of Lola that he understands the responsibility of his role to bring the audience into their sassy world.


ブロードウェイにおいては観客は泣いたり大きな声で笑ったり手を叩いたりショーの一体となって楽しみます。一方日本において、観客は礼儀正しく静かに作品を鑑賞されている印象を持っています。演じる中でどのようにして観客の反応を読み取っていますか。 American audiences are really interactive; laughing out loud, clapping, and murmuring during shows. But, in Japan, audiences are more quiet, out of respect for the others sitting around them. How do you gauge the Japanese audience's reactions during the show?




The Japanese audience is amazing and quite interactive! The same as America. They received the first production [in 2016] really well, and this time was no different. I think you’re gonna be surprised to see that.


静かお客様と声を出して笑われるような感情を表に出されるようなお客様だと感情を表に出される方が読みやすいですか。 Do you like the loud audience, better than the quiet audience?

[三浦春馬, 小池徹平] もちろん! [MIURA/LOLA, KOIKE/CHARLIE]

Of course!


今回のショーを演じるにあたって一回目とはまた違う何かがあると思うんですが今回のショーのお二人にとっての意味合いというのはどのようなところにありますか。 This is the 2nd time you're doing the show. What does it mean to you to be able to do the show again?






When the show ended last time, I was already thinking about doing the show again! It’s taken 3 years, but, in that time, I have grown both as a person and vocally. We have an image of how we want to play the characters, and I was looking forward to seeing that image realized. I treasure this character so much. And, just as a fan, I admire this piece of work called Kinky Boots.


The second time around there is some pressure to get better. But we have a chance to approach it from a different point of view, like how have we grown, and what can we do to grow the audience? We have this chance to build off of what we already made from last time. Our previous experience built a strong foundation, so we can use that to go deeper into the characters, making the Kinky Boots show better than before.



What advice did the director, Jerry Mitchell, give you last time and this time, that you haven't heard from a Japanese director?

[三浦春馬] なんだろうね。やっぱり僕たちのベースになっているのは正直に言うとDBなんですね。で最終的な調整としてスティーブンとジェリーきてくれて細かいところを調整してくれるっていう感じだったので、細かな心の機微だったりとかはDBがやっぱり教えてくれてるんですよ。でも最後のなんだろうな隠し味じゃないけどスパイスを施してくれるのはジェリーかなっていう。そして持ち上げてくれるよね。すごく気持ちのきれいな方だから、すごくエネルギーをくれる感じはある。 [MIURA/LOLA]

To be honest, our base is [associate director] D.B. Bonds. We learned the feeling of the production from [musical director] Stephen Oremus and [director] Jerry Mitchell when they were making final adjustments, but D.B. taught me how to get subtle details from my own imagination. Jerry calls it “adding our own spice,” and I feel supported by them to do that. It gives me so much energy to be able to bring to life to such a beautiful character.


役を演じる上で最も難しかったことは何ですか。 What were the biggest challenges of becoming this character, the first time and the second time?​​






I was so moved by Billy Porter from last time, that his way of speaking and behaving is stuck in my mind. So maybe without thinking I was copying what he did. The most important thing is sending our energy to the audience. Lola is a vessel of energy, so, for me, the most nerve-racking thing was giving her enough power. But this time, since I could improve my skills over 3 years, I feel like I could take the time to become even closer to Lola.


This time my Charlie shines a little more. Charlie is the main axis of the story, so, if he’s not solid, Kinky Boots won’t be solid. I feel a sense of responsibility to support the Lola character, and make a great effort to involve the Japanese audience in Charlie’s story. I think this time I gave it my all.


演劇の世界では”失敗するまではあなたは本当の役者ではない”という言葉がありますが、今まで失敗した中で面白いエピソードはありますか。 On Broadway we say, "You're not a real dancer until you've taken a fall." Have you made any mistakes on stage? Like fall over, or forget a line?

[小池徹平] それはー

[三浦春馬] しょっちゅうあるよ。


[MIURA/LOLA] All the time!


Koike Teppei and Miura Haruma are incredibly popular celebrities in Japan. Both have been branded with the "sensitive guy" image since their debuts, but, after their premiere in 2016, they were respected as powerful vocalists, not only in Japan, but by international fans, as well.


今回の作品を見たいものの日本語がわからない外国の方に何かメッセージはありますか。 Do you have anything that you want to say to your foreign fans who want to see you perform, but don't speak Japanese?






前回僕が2013年に始めてブロードウェイでみたときに感じた、なんてすばらしいミュージカルなんだろう。すごいものあるな。すごいエンターテイメントだなっていう想いを、感想を言語が違ってももらえるミュージカルが紛れもなくキンキーブーツだと思うから。だから言葉がわからなくてもタイミングがあればjoin us してよ!っていう感じ。


Kinky Boots is a musical that you can enjoy without knowing what the story is.


You can enjoy it! Everyone says it's fun without any prior knowledge.


The first time I saw Kinky Boots on Broadway in 2013, I felt this was a wonderful musical. There is something amazing about it; you feel that it is great entertainment, and the fact that it is a musical is the reason it can be done so well in different languages. So, even if you don’t speak Japanese, please “join us!”



What’s your favorite line or song, or part of the show?








Raise You Up/Just Be is really inspiring!


Oh yeah!


It's allowing people to be who they want to be, and also telling you that you are accepted.


Having 3 years to "level-up" their skills, Miura said of reprising his role that he has become

closer to Lola, and is more confident than ever to give her the power that she demands.

Koike strives to make his Charlie the backbone of the story, but admits that he naturally gives

a rare sensitivity to the role. Koike has been painted a sensitive actor in the past, and has a

good-boy image in Japan. It's no wonder that Charlie would take on Koike's image, as he truly

gives his whole self to the character.


今回演じられたキャラクターは今までいろいろな方が演じられてきたと思うんですけど。 Besides performing in Japanese, how are your characters different from the other Charlies and Lolas in the world?









So we should talk about our strengths, right?


I’m probably the world’s most sensitive Charlie.


I love every Lola, I don’t know what to say!


今回の作品は歴史の長い作品ですが、今まで演じてこられた俳優の中で特に参考にしたりお気に入りだった方はいますか。 Who's your favorite Lola?




Of course Billy Porter is the best! But I also like Callum Francis, from the Australian cast. I haven’t seen their show, but I really love the way he moves.


KINKY BOOTS JAPAN was playing at the Tokyu Theatre Orb in Tokyo April 16th - May 12th, and moved to the Orix Theatre in Osaka May 16th - May 28th, 2019. Tickets could be purchased from affiliated links on the official website: (Japanese Only)

*すべての写真、映像等は公式のプロダクションから提供いただいたものです。すべての著作権はそれぞれのプロダクションにより所有されております。 *Photo credit belongs to Nobuhiko Hikichi and Kiseki Michiko. All images used in this article are official promotional images provided directly to ISA by Kinky Boots Japan. All Rights Reserved.


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